Particles for Topic and Subject
은/는 are called Topic particles. 이/가 are called Subject Particles. They are alternatively referred to as topic markers and subject markers, as each serves to identify the topic and subject within sentences.
Even Korean language professors find it challenging to explain the precise difference between these two particles and how they are used. Here, we’ll attempt to simplify things so that you can easily grasp the distinction.
은/는 are referred to as topic particles, while 이/가 are known as subject particles. However, the distinction between topic and subject can sometimes be unclear. The topic is the person or thing that is the main focus of the sentence, while the subject is not always the topic.
For instance, in the sentence “오늘은 몸상태가 좋아요,” the subject of the sentence is “몸상태” (body condition) while the topic is “오늘” (today). The subject of a sentence can also be the topic, and vice versa.
In most situations, 은/는 and 이/가 are interchangeable. “이것은 사과입니다” and “이것이 사과입니다” essentially mean the same thing.
Do Not Worry About Mistakes
While there are certain situations where you’re expected to use one of these particles over the other, even if you use the wrong one, the sentence remains comprehensible. People will still understand your intended meaning, so there’s no need to stress too much. Just remember some general rules about when to use 은/는 and 이/가, and you’ll be fine.
은/는 vs 이/가
1. When it’s a negative sentence with the verb ‘to be’ (am/is/are + not)
(아닙니다 or 아니에요), you always have to use 이/가 with the preceding noun.
이것은 책이 아니에요. (This is not a book.)
2. If you are using 있다/없다, you should always use 이/가 with the noun before it.
저는 내일 시간이 없어요. (I don’t have time tomorrow.)
미국 친구가 있어요? (Do you have an American friend?)
3. Generally when there are two nouns in a sentence and a descriptive verb (or adjective) has been used, use 은/는 with the first noun and 이/가 with the second.
이 식당은 음식이 맛있어요. (The food at this restaurant is delicious.)
오늘은 날씨가 좋아요. (The weather is good today.)
Note that we have simplified the rules. There are more complicated rules and explanations but I don’t want to confuse you more. If you follow the rules mentioned above, you should be fine in most of the situations. That is another reason why you should memorize the sentences by repetition.
4. 은 is used when the word ends with a consonant. 는 is used with the word ending with a vowel. 이 is used when the word ends with a consonant. 가 is used with the word that ends with a vowel.
- Consonant-ending word + 은
- Vowel-ending word + 는
- Consonant-ending word + 이
- Vowel-ending word + 가
Sentences to Practice
It’s cloudy today. 오늘은 날씨가 흐려요.
I think that America is nice. 나는 미국이 좋다고 생각해요.
This restaurant is cheap. 이 식당은 가격이 싸요.
This store has a wide variety of clothing options. 이 가게는 옷(들)이 다양해요.
We have plenty of time tomorrow. 우리는 내일 시간이 많아요.
This town is where I used to live. 이 동네는 내가 살던 곳이예요.
He is the player that I like. 그는 내가 좋아하는 선수예요.
Soccer is the sport that we like. 축구는 우리가 좋아하는 스포츠예요.
It rains a lot in summer. 여름에는 비가 많이 와요.
This bread is popular. 이 빵은 인기가 많아요.